The Team

Professor Susan McVie, University of Edinburgh

Professor Gwilym Pryce, University of Sheffield
Professor Cristina Iannelli, University of Edinburgh

Administrative Team
Heather Thomson, Research and Development Manager
Fiona Barlow, Communications and Impact Officer

Crime and Victimisation researchers
Professor Susan McVie, University of Edinburgh
Professor Brian Francis, Lancaster University
Dr Les Humphreys, Lancaster University
Professor Jon Bannister, Manchester Metropolitan University
Dr Paul Norris, University of Edinburgh
Rebecca Pillinger, University of Edinburgh
Dr Ellie Bates, University of Edinburgh
Dr Sara Skott, University of Edinburgh
Dr Ben Matthews, University of Edinburgh
Professor Ade Kearns, University of Glasgow

Education and Social Stratification researchers
Professor Cristina Iannelli, University of Edinburgh
Professor Lindsay Paterson, University of Edinburgh
Professor Adam Gamoran, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Professor Marita Jacob, University of Cologne
Dr Emer Smyth, The Economic and Social Research Institute
Dr Selina McCoy, The Economic and Social Research Institute
Miss Dafni Dima, University of Edinburgh
Dr Adriana Duta, University of Edinburgh
Professor Brian An, University of Iowa
Miss Carla Cebula, University of Edinburgh

Urban Segregation and Inequality researchers
Professor Gwilym Pryce, University of Sheffield
Professor Nick Bailey, University of Glasgow
Dr Nema Dean, University of Glasgow
Dr Duncan Lee, University of Glasgow
Dr Stephan Heblich, University of Stirling
Professor Chris Timmins, Duke University
Dr Jing Yao, University of Glasgow
Ms Johanna Jokio, University of Glasgow

Other associated academics
Professor Graeme Laurie, University of Edinburgh: Advisor on Data Linkage Ethics and Governance
Dr Chris Dibben, University of St Andrews: Special Advisor on the Scottish Longitudinal Study and Administrative Data Linkage
Robin Rice, University of Edinburgh: Quality Assurance Officer and Special Advisor on Data Management

Academic Advisory Group
The Academic Advisory Group (AAG) meets annually to review the progress of AQMeN. It comprises the SMG and leading UK and international experts who have a strong interest in the research strands and advanced quantitative methods and who provide an interdisciplinary perspective. The role of the AAG is to: provide intellectual input to the strategic priorities of the research; ensure the impact strategy feeds into a wider national and international agenda; advise on specific aspects of analysis and methodology; enhance the profile of AQMeN internationally; contribute to training and/or knowledge exchange activities; and advise on issues of sustainability and collaboration opportunities.

Patrick Sturgis, Director of NCRM (Chair)
George Galster, Wayne State University
Paul Nieuwbeerta, Leuven University
Richard Breen, Yale University
Graham Crow, Director Scottish Graduate School in Social Sciences
Ian Jones, WISERD, Cardiff University
Ian Diamond, University of Aberdeen
Susan McVie, AQMeN Director
Gwilym Pryce, AQMeN Co-Director
Cristina Iannelli, AQMeN Co-Director
Nick Bailey, University of Glasgow