Evidence submission to the Scottish Government Commission on Widening Access – 2015/16

The 2015 Scottish Government Programme for Government sets out the vision of a fairer, more equal Scotland. Central to that vision is the ambition that a child born today in one of our most deprived communities should, by the time he or she leaves school, have the same chance of accessing higher education as a child born in one of

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Education, civic values and civic participation

This project explores the relationship between education and civic values and behaviour among adults and teenagers in Britain, Ireland and other European countries. Education, social attitudes and social participation among adults in Britain A stable finding of research on civic participation is the correlation between overall educational attainment and various attributes that are relevant to democracy, such as propensity to

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Social inequalities in education and the graduate labour market

This AQMeN impact case study draws on research from the Education and Social Stratification programme and highlights the impact of evidence around social inequalities in higher education and the labour market. Findings from this research have influenced the recommendations by the Scottish Government Commission on Widening Access, specifically around the role of school subject choice for reproducing inequalities. Read the

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Beyond access to HE: Widening Access initiatives and student retention in Scotland

Widening access to Higher Education continues to be highly topical in Scotland, as underlined by the establishment of the Scottish Government Commission on Widening Access in June 2015. As well as promoting equality of access to Higher Education, a key feature of the Widening Participation (WP) strategy is the focus on maximising student retention due to non-completion having adverse personal

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