Can Scotland shake off its violent reputation?

AQMeN Director Professor Susan McVie explores Scotland’s reputation as ‘the most violent country in the developed world’ in this blog post. Drawing on figures from the Scottish Government Homicide in Scotland 2014-15 bulletin, together with data from the 2012/13 Scottish Crime and Justice Survey, AQMeN research on crime and victimisation and a number of international and UK comparative studies, Professor

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Criminal careers and the crime drop: influencing Scotland’s youth justice strategy

This AQMeN impact case study highlights the impact of recent research by doctoral student Ben Matthews. Ben’s research explores the fall in conviction rates for young people in Scotland, including the use of his findings in the development of the Scottish Government Youth Justice Strategy, published in 2015, and the revised Justice Strategy, due to be published in 2017. Read

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Building safer communities: changing the focus of crime reduction strategies in Scotland

This AQMeN impact case study draws on research from the Crime and Victimisation programme and highlights the impact of the research findings which have influenced crime reduction strategies through the Scottish Government ‘Building Safer Communities’ Board. Professor Susan McVie has been a member of the Board since inception in 2013 and has used evidence from the AQMeN research to inform

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