Social origins, academic strength of school curriculum and access to selective higher education institutions: Evidence from Scotland and the USA

AQMeN researchers Adriana Duta, Brian An and Cristina Iannelli have published a paper in The International Journal of Higher Education. Abstract: This paper analyses the role that different components of the academic strength of the secondary-school curriculum (i.e. number, subjects and grades of advanced academic courses) play in explaining social origin differences in access to prestigious universities (but also to

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The impact of social origin on graduates’ early occupational destinations – An Anglo-German comparison.

This journal article examines the impact of social origin on tertiary graduates’ labour market outcomes in Germany and the United Kingdom, two distinct countries in terms of higher education systems, labour market structures, and their linkages. Data from the 2005 REFLEX survey, OLS regression and linear probability models are used to analyse the effect of parental education on graduates’ occupational

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