The effects of family economic, social and cultural capital and neighbourhood on educational outcomes
This research, undertaken by Doctoral student Carla Cebula, looks at the impact of a young person’s access to economic, social and cultural capital at home, and the neighbourhood that they grow up in, on their educational attainment. Carla is working with the Millennium Cohort Study, a birth cohort study of young people born in 2000, focusing on the English sub-sample.
Carla is currently operationalising economic, social and cultural capital utilizing confirmatory factor analysis (using MPlus) to generate latent variables representing different forms of social, cultural and economic capital. The next step is to link relevant census area-level information with the Millennium Cohort Study to begin to understand how the neighbourhood that young people live in interacts with the capital they have available at home. Carla will be using a multi-level model with between level interactions for this stage of my analysis. To build the multi-level model she will be using the MLwiN module available in Stata.
For more information about this research, you can contact Carla via email to
Policy relevance:
This research will be of interest to policy-makers, practitioners and researchers in understanding how family characteristics and neighbourhood interact and, in turn, at what level policies may be effective in improving educational equality in England.
Carla Cebula