Crime and Victimisation publications and outputs

Here you will find a list of journal articles, briefing papers, working papers, blog posts and other outputs from the Crime and Victimisation research programme by year of publication.


Journal article: Increasing Inequality in Experience of Victimization During the Crime Drop: Analysing Patterns of Victimization in Scotland from 1993 to 2014–15

Authors: Susan McVie, Paul Norris, Rebecca Pillinger
Journal: The British Journal of Criminology
Date: 17th May 2019

Journal article: Hatescape? A relational geography of disability hate crime, exclusion and belonging in the city 

Authors: Edward Hall and Ellie Bates
Journal: Geoforum
Date: May 2019

AQMeN Briefing paper 13: Reduction in homicide and violence in Scotland is largely explained by fewer gangs and less knife crime

Authors: Dr Sara Skott and Professor Susan McVie
Date: January 2019


Submission of evidence to Scottish Parliament Equalities and Human Rights Committee on the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility Bill

Author: Professor Susan McVie
Date: 6th September 2018


Has policing reform in Scotland led to a drop in the crime clear up rate?

Author: Professor Susan McVie
Date: 30th March 2018

Author: Professor Susan McVie
Date: 6th March 2018

Scottish Government report:

Author: Professor Susan McVie
Date: February 2018


Dataset published in the UK Data Service data catalogue: Regional crime trends, local authority and community safety partnership crime trends data for Scotland, England and Wales: violence and burglary 

Author: Dr Ellie Bates
Date: November 2017

AQMeN Research Briefing 12: Sexual homicide in Scotland

Authors: Sara Skott, Eric Beauregard and Raj Darjee
Date: October 2017

Report: Transforming stop and search

A report by Susan McVie and Kath Murray on how AQMeN research was central to transforming the landscape of stop and search in Scotland through a combination of research, policy engagement and working collaboratively with practitioners.

Date: July 2017

Report:  Stop and search scrutiny: Proportionality, fairness and effectiveness. Report prepared for the SPA Policing Committee.

Authors: Susan McVie and Kath Murray
Date: 2017

Journal article: Local variance in the crime drop: A Longitudinal Study of Neighbourhoods in Greater Glasgow, Scotland
Authors: Bannister, J., Bates, E. and Kearns, A.
Journal: British Journal of Criminology
Date: April 2017

AQMeN Impact Case study:  Stop and search in Scotland: transforming policy and practice and influencing cultural change
Author: Susan McVie
June 2017

AQMeN Impact Case study: Criminal careers and the crime drop: influencing Scotland’s youth justice strategy
Author: Ben Matthews
June 2017

AQMeN Impact Case Study: Building safer communities: changing the focus of crime reduction strategies in Scotland
Author: Susan McVie
June 2017

Journal article: The shrinking youth justice population: A change in behaviour or a change in the system?
Authors: Lesley McAra and Susan McVie
Journal: Scottish Justice Matters, 5(1): 38-39.
Date: April 2017

Journal article: International Handbook of Juvenile Justice – Scotland
Authors: Michelle Burman and Susan McVie
pp. 371-394

Magazine article: Crime hotspots

Author: Ellie Bates
Magazine: The Geographer, page 26
Date: 2017

Magazine article: Space, place and crime in an era of ‘big data’

Author: Samuel Langton and Jon Bannister
Magazine: The Geographer, page 25
Date: 2017

Journal article: Crime Data and Criminal Statistics: A Critical Reflection

Authors: Mike Maguire and Susan McVie
Journal article: In A. Liebling, S. Maruna and L. McAra (eds) Oxford Handbook on Criminology. Sixth edition
Date: 2017

Journal article: Recent innovation in developmental and life-course criminology

Authors: McAra, L. and McVie, S.
Journal: In A. Liebling, S. Maruna and L. McAra (eds) Oxford Handbook on Criminology Sixth Edition
Date: 2017

Journal article: Social order: Crime and Justice in Scotland

Author: Susan McVie
Journal: In D. McCrone (Ed) The New Sociology of Scotland. Sage Publications Ltd.
Date: 2017


Journal article: Investigating the relationship between the diversity index and frequency of offending
Authors: Brian Francis and Les Humphreys
Journal: Journal of Developmental and Life Course Criminology, 2(4): 397-416.
Date: December 2016

Consultation response: The need for a new power to search children for alcohol: a review of the evidence
Authors: Susan McVie and Kath Murray
Scottish Government consultation
June 2016

Journal article: Understanding youth violence: The mediating effects of gender, poverty and vulnerability

Authors: Lesley McAra and Susan McVie
Journal: Journal of Criminal Justice
Volume 45, June 2016, Pages 71-77

Journal article: Are crime statistics and surveys hiding the real extent of domestic forms of violence?

Author: Susan McVie
Journal: Scottish Justice Matters
Date: June 2016

AQMeN Research Briefing 10: Can we predict escalation in offending seriousness?

Authors: Brian Francis and Jiayi Liu
March 2016

Journal article: Smoothing group-based trajectory models through B-splines
Authors: Francis, B., Elliott, A. and Weldon, M.
Journal: Journal of Developmental and Life Course Criminology, 2(1): 113-133. .
Date: 2016

Journal article: Using the UK general offender database as a means to measure and analyse organized crime.

Authors: Stuart Kirby, Brian Francis, Les Humphreys and Keith Soothill
Journal: Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 78-94
Date: 2016

Journal article: Understanding youth violence: the mediating effects of gender, poverty and vulnerability.

Authors: Lesley McAra and Susan McVie
Journal: Journal of Criminal Justice, 71-77
Date: 2016

Journal article: Comparing trends in convictions and non-court disposals in Scotland

Author: Ben Matthews
Journal: Scottish Justice Matters
Date: 2016

Report: Understanding and Preventing Youth Crime survey (UPYC) Early Findings: Stop and search in Glasgow and Edinburgh. Report commissioned by the Scottish Police Authority.

Author: Kath Murray
Date: 2016



AQMeN research paper:  Police stop and search in Scotland – A brief review of evidence

Author: McVie, S
Date: 2015

Scottish Government report – Evaluation of the Whole System Approach to Young People Who Offend in Scotland

Authors:Kath Murray, Paul McGuiness, Michelle Burman and Susan McVie
Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research Report
June 2015

Journal article: Has Scotland’s falling crime rate benefited everyone equally?

Journal: Scottish Justice Matters
Date: June 2015

Journal article: Winners and losers

Authors: Susan McVie, Rebecca Pillinger and Paul Norris

Journal: Britain in 2015 Magazine

Journal article: Scottish Justice Matters: Poverty, Inequality and Justice

Volume3, issue 3 in November 2015 was guest edited by Susan McVie and featured the following articles:

The reproduction of poverty
Susan McVie and Lesley McAra

Is poverty reflected in changing patterns of victimisation in Scotland?
Susan McVie, Paul Norris and Rebecca Pillinger

Does place matter? – Dr Ellie Bates

Homicide in Scotland: the need for a deeper understanding – Sara Skott
Journal: Scottish Justice Matters
Date: November 2015

Journal article: Modelling escalation in crime seriousness: a latent variable approach

Authors: Brian Francis. and Jiayi Liu
Journal: Metron. 73(2): 277-297.

Journal article: Comparing Difficulties and Combination Possibilities: Experiences in the United Kingdom

Author: Paul Norris
Journal: in Guzy, N, Birkel, C and Mischkowitz, R (Eds) Viktimisierungsbefragungen in Deutschland – Band 2: Methodik und Methodologie
Date: 2015


AQMeN Research Briefing 1: Understanding the crime drop in Scotland
Les Humphreys, Brian Francis and Susan McVie
November 2014

AQMeN Research Briefing 2: Changing patterns of victimisation in
Scotland 1993 – 2011

Paul Norris, Rebecca Pillinger and Susan McVie
November 2014

AQMeN Research Briefing 3: Local differences in the crime drop: are there winners and losers?

Jon Bannister, Ellie Bates and Ade Kearns
November 2014

AQMeN Research Briefing 4: Where have all the young offenders gone?

Ben Matthews
November 2014

Journal article: Criminal neighbourhoods: Does the density of prior offenders in an area encourage others to commit crime?
Authors: Livingston, M., Galster, G., Kearns, A. and Bannister, J.
Journal: Environment and Planning A, 46: 2469-2488.
Date: 2014

Journal article: Neighbourhood structures and crime: the influence of tenure mix and other structural factors upon crime rates
Authors: Livingston, M., Kearns, A. and Bannister, J.
Journal: Housing Studies, 29(1): 1-25.
Date: 2014

Journal article: The Scottish Juvenile Justice System: Policy and Practice

Authors: Lesley McAra and Susan McVie
Journal: Published in Winterdyk, J. (Ed) Juvenile Justice: International Perspectives, Models and Trends.
Date: 2014