Lexis cubes 1: From maps of space to maps of time
AQMeN Research Associate Dr Jonathan Minton wrote about Lexis cubes for the International Journal of Epidemiology blog in June 2016. Read the blog post in full.
» Read moreAQMeN Research Associate Dr Jonathan Minton wrote about Lexis cubes for the International Journal of Epidemiology blog in June 2016. Read the blog post in full.
» Read moreHere you will find a list of journal articles, briefing papers, working papers, blog posts and data maps by year of publication. You can also view media coverage related to the Urban Segregation and Inequality research here. 2019 Journal article: Not so welcome here? Modelling the impact of ethnic in-movers on the length of stay of home owners in micro
» Read moreHere you will find the details of a number of projects and areas of focus from the Urban Segregation and Inequality research programme. These include: Pushed to the periphery? Changing patterns of poverty in Scottish cities The impact of immigration on local housing market for England and Wales Modelling social boundaries and the interconnectedness of place Remaking urban segregation: processes
» Read moreAbstract In this article the authors ask what it would mean to think sociologically about the window as a specific material and symbolic object. Drawing on qualitative analysis of a series of comparative interviews with residents in three different streets in a diverse local area of Glasgow, they explore what the use and experience of windows tells us about their
» Read moreAbstract Housing markets are unlikely to be impervious to the preferences and prejudices associated with urban segregation. For example, two neighbourhoods with very different religious attributes are unlikely to be perceived as close substitutes by homebuyers that have a strong preference for neighbours of a particular religion. This paper offers a new framework for the conception and measurement of social
» Read moreIn their guest blog for the Scottish Urban Regeneration Forum (SURF), Professor Nick Bailey and Dr Jon Minton reflect on the 2016 Scottish Index of Multiple of Deprivation figures and what they may mean for communities across Scotland. You can read the blog in full at the SURF website.
» Read moreUrban Poverty The location of poor households near the centre and wealthier households in the suburbs has for a long time been seen as the archetypal social structure of the industrial city. The suggestion that poverty is shifting towards the periphery not only challenges this long-standing stereotype but also touches on a number of important policy issues. For example, achieving
» Read moreWhy examine how segregation changes? Spatial segregation – the division of cities into richer and poorer neighbourhoods, for example – is a key feature of urban areas. Many studies look at how much segregation there is and at how this changes over time but few examine the processes which underpin these changes. In general, people choose to live in neighbourhoods
» Read moreJournal: Population, Space and Place Volume: 23, Issue 3 April 2017 Nick Bailey, Wouter P C van Gent, Sako Musterd DOI 10.1002/psp.2013 Abstract Segregation studies have mainly focused on urban structures as a whole or have discussed specific (gentrifying or renewing) neighbourhoods. The literature suggests that changes in segregation occur primarily through selective migration. In this paper, we follow up
» Read moreImpact Case Study: This AQMeN impact case study highlights the impact of evidence from the Urban Segregation and Inequality programme, where AQMeN researchers have developed new ways of measuring segregation and revealed significant changes in the spatial patterns of poverty and religion. These new methods are being applied to Chinese cities in collaboration with government officials in Hebei Province to
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