Education and Social Stratification publications and outputs

Here you will find a list of journal articles, briefing papers, working papers, blog posts and other outputs from the Education and Social Stratification research strand by year of publication. You can also find media coverage related this research here. 2019 PhD Thesis: The effects of economic, social and cultural capital at home and in the neighbourhood on young people’s educational

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Crime and Victimisation publications and outputs

Here you will find a list of journal articles, briefing papers, working papers, blog posts and other outputs from the Crime and Victimisation research programme by year of publication. 2019 Journal article: Increasing Inequality in Experience of Victimization During the Crime Drop: Analysing Patterns of Victimization in Scotland from 1993 to 2014–15 Authors: Susan McVie, Paul Norris, Rebecca Pillinger Journal:

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Urban Segregation and Inequality publications and outputs

Here you will find a list of journal articles, briefing papers, working papers, blog posts and data maps by year of publication. You can also view media coverage related to the Urban Segregation and Inequality research here.  2019 Journal article: Not so welcome here? Modelling the impact of ethnic in-movers on the length of stay of home owners in micro

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A view through a window: Social relations, material objects and locality

Abstract In this article the authors ask what it would mean to think sociologically about the window as a specific material and symbolic object. Drawing on qualitative analysis of a series of comparative interviews with residents in three different streets in a diverse local area of Glasgow, they explore what the use and experience of windows tells us about their

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Is the housing market blind to religion? A perceived substitutability approach to homophily and social integration

Abstract Housing markets are unlikely to be impervious to the preferences and prejudices associated with urban segregation. For example, two neighbourhoods with very different religious attributes are unlikely to be perceived as close substitutes by homebuyers that have a strong preference for neighbours of a particular religion. This paper offers a new framework for the conception and measurement of social

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Social origins, academic strength of school curriculum and access to selective higher education institutions: Evidence from Scotland and the USA

AQMeN researchers Adriana Duta, Brian An and Cristina Iannelli have published a paper in The International Journal of Higher Education. Abstract: This paper analyses the role that different components of the academic strength of the secondary-school curriculum (i.e. number, subjects and grades of advanced academic courses) play in explaining social origin differences in access to prestigious universities (but also to

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Has Scotland’s falling crime rate benefited everyone equally?

Crime has fallen nationally, but this research by Susan McVie, Paul Norris and Rebecca Pillinger aims to establish whether crime has fallen to the same extent within all local authority areas and the extent to which there is variation between areas. Using small area level police recorded crime data, this project investigates the differences in crime trends across local communities

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Education, social attitudes and social participation among adults in Britain

A stable finding of research on civic participation is the correlation between overall educational attainment and various attributes that are relevant to democracy, such as propensity to be active, to vote, and to hold views on important public issues. But research since the 1990s has suggested that we should be cautious about this inference. The most important question is that

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The impact of social origin on graduates’ early occupational destinations – An Anglo-German comparison.

This journal article examines the impact of social origin on tertiary graduates’ labour market outcomes in Germany and the United Kingdom, two distinct countries in terms of higher education systems, labour market structures, and their linkages. Data from the 2005 REFLEX survey, OLS regression and linear probability models are used to analyse the effect of parental education on graduates’ occupational

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