Scottish Independence Referendum 2014 media coverage

This area of research and the three individual projects within it collectively garnered more than 70 pieces of media coverage including print, broadcast and on-line.

Here are just a few of the pieces of coverage about this research, which remains highly topical:

Hard evidence: who are Scotland’s undecideds on independence?

The Conversation, Feb 2014 – Jan Eichhorn blogs on the findings from this research

Referendum is a golden opportunity for political parties to woo young voters

The Conversation, March 2014 – Jan Eichhorn blogs about the debate around extending voting rights to 16 year olds in Scotland.

The next generation may vote differently, just ask the Scots

The Conversation, June 2014 – Jan Eichhorn blogs about the political attitudes of young voters in Scotland. More info on this project can be found here.

Scotland’s teenage voters hesitant about independence

Reuters, 6th May 2014 – Article quotes Mark Shephard’s research about social media and IndyRef.

The same quote from Mark Shephard was used in the following outlets:

Herald Scotland

Yahoo Emirates

Yahoo India

Yahoo Malaysia

The Nation, Pakistan

Scottish Independence Poll: Were Youngest Voters Less Likely To Vote For Independence?

Huffingtpon Post UK, 29th September 2014 – this article extensively quotes Jan Eichhorn on the Survey of Young Scots research findings.

Voting age ‘should be extended’, think tank dpart finds
13th October 2014 – BBC Online quotes Jan Eichhorn on the Survey of Young Scots research findings