EU UK Referendum 2016 media coverage

Most EU citizens want UK to remain, study suggests – Guardian

10th March 2016

Voters in six European Union countries are overwhelmingly in favour of Britain remaining in the 28-nation bloc – but if it votes to leave, many also feel the UK should be punished by exclusion from the single market.

According to a study of 8,000 voters in Germany, France, Poland, Ireland, Spain and Sweden by the University of Edinburgh and a German thinktank, a clear majority in all six states hope Britain votes to stay in the EU.

George Arnett, The Guardian


EU referendum: British concerns resonate elsewhere in Europe – BBC

11 Mar 2016

In recent years any outbreak of British exceptionalism would spark a torrent of angry headlines in other parts of Europe….A new survey shows many British concerns resonate in other parts of Europe. The survey was carried out by the University of Edinburgh and the German think tank d/part, and funded by the UK in a Changing Europe – an initiative to bridge the gap between the EU and British voters. They spoke to 8,000 people in six European countries – Germany, France, Ireland, Poland, Sweden and Spain.

There was broad support for the UK remaining in the EU. In Spain, the figure was as high as 81%. The most lukewarm country was France with 56% support.

Gavin Hewitt, BBC online


After Brexit, Frexit? Poll shows that French want a referendum too – Newsweek Europe

14 Mar 2016

Research from Edinburgh University shows that 53 percent of French would like to hold their own vote on EU membership, and in Spain, Germany and Sweden more people are in favour of doing so than are opposed.

Josh Lowe, Newsweek Europe


France wants Britain to leave the EU the most, study of member countries shows – Independent

14 Mar 2016

The French are keener on Britain leaving the EU than any other nationality in the bloc, a study has found.

More than 40 per cent of French respondents to a survey thought the UK should leave the EU, some three months ahead of the June referendum.

Jess Staufenberg, Independent

Brexit league table: how much do our European neighbours love us (or hate us)?

15th March 2016

The Express

Most French also want vote on EU membership: UK study

12th March 2016

The Tribune

There was also extensive coverage in the following media outlets:

China Times Breaking News
CNA News Agency (China)
Sound of Hope (Taiwan
Agence French Presse
Les Echos
20 Minutes
Resaue International
La Croix
La Montagne (France)
Agency Belga (Netherlands
Ria Novosti
Sputnik News Service
New Europe (Belgium)
BBC Radio 4
RTVE.VE (Spanish radio)
Spiegel online