Has Scotland’s falling crime rate benefited everyone equally?

Crime has fallen nationally, but this research by Susan McVie, Paul Norris and Rebecca Pillinger aims to establish whether crime has fallen to the same extent within all local authority areas and the extent to which there is variation between areas. Using small area level police recorded crime data, this project investigates the differences in crime trends across local communities of Scotland to identify the winners and losers in the crime drop.

Read more about the findings in Volume 3 of Scottish Justice Matters – Policing: Reflections on developments and changes to policing in Scotland. 

Scottish Justice Matters
Volume: 3
Publisher: SCCCJ
Issue: June 2015
ISSN 2052-795

Other outputs related to this article include:

AQMeN research briefing 3 – Local differences in the crime drop: are there winners and losers? – November 2014

More about this can be found in ‘Victim inequality and the crime drop’